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Our Mission:

“To live a godly life that others may see Jesus'  Light shining through us, giving us the opportunity to witness to them, His love for us.” (Mt. 5:14-16Gal. 2:20Heb. 12:1)

About Us


Mission Statement


“To live a godly life that others may see Jesus'  Light shining through us, allowing us to witness to them, His love for us.” (Mt. 5:14-16Gal. 2:20Heb. 12:1)



Vision Statement


“Use our God-given gifts to support our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to further God’s kingdom through witnessing, and service to the community.”  (Eph. 4:11-13Acts 1:81 Cor. 3:5-8)


North American Baptist Church


We are a North American Baptist Church.


A North American Baptist is a Christian who:
  • Believes God is revealed through His son, Jesus Christ

  • Acknowledges Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior

  • Professes the Christian faith as contained in the Old and New Testaments

  • Believes that church membership is only for those who have personally experienced the saving grace of Jesus Christ

  • Publicly affirms new life in Christ through the ordinance of believer's baptism by immersion, which symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as the believer's death to the old life and rising to new life in Jesus Christ

  • Seeks to live a Christian life and remains a faithful member of the church, and supports it with worship participation, prayers, gifts, and service

  • Regularly observes the Lord's Supper in remembrance of the sacrifice of Christ for our salvation

  • Believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the only infallible authority for the Christian; uses the Bible for teaching and guidance, studies it daily, with the right to interpret the Scriptures through the illumination of the Holy Spirit

  • Believes in soul liberty — the right of every person to approach God directly without another person as a mediator — and so communicates daily with the Lord

  • Seeks to be led by the Holy Spirit and demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit in life

  • Responsibly and prayerfully participates in determining and implementing the goals and ministries of the local church

  • Enthusiastically participates in the worship, Bible study, and outreach of the local church

  • Helps the local church to be true to the teachings and practices of the New Testament

  • Evidences new life in Christ through a witness before fellow Christians and others in daily contacts

  • Believes that the local church is a spiritual democracy with all members equal; affirms a congregational form of church government

  • Defends religious freedom for all and the separation of church and state — neither one controlling the other



Our History


Established 1917


The First Baptist Church of Plevna began in 1917 because of a group of people who “cared about their beliefs and faith. These early settlers were concerned about the future of their families and wanted them to be reared in the fellowship of a Baptist, Bible-believing church.”


The first official building was erected in the Spring of 1919 and was enlarged and remodeled in 1939 before the current one which was built in 58’-59’ and dedicated June 7, 1959.  Since that time, the church has continued to follow in the footsteps of their forefathers in proclaiming the gospel, supporting missions, and sharing in God’s work.


First Baptist Church looks to continue faithfully serving God until He comes back to take them home to live with Him for all eternity.


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